Where’s The Fire

Unless you walk a dog ( or two ), or have reason to stand at the curb while the fire department hooks up it’s hose to the hydrant in front of your burning house, you’d likely never take notice of fire hydrants.

Asheville has a preponderance of fire hydrants that are,  aside from being vintage in appearance, all different and quirky.

My newest subjects:

Meet Byron of Forsythe Street-

IMG_3578  8 X 11 oil on panel

Cloud liked him. Showered him with affection too…


We left the Caribbean after 15 years for the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains and this remarkable small/big, urbane/rustic ,city/town of Asheville. And took the doggies with us. I think even dogs’ appearances are enhanced by the addition of haberdashery.


Cuba is of the opinion it was more like chicanery than haberdashery.

After tricking them and training them for 3 months with bacon, I was able to get them into the airline approved crates to begin this monumental upheaval from island life to mainland life via planes, vans and cars. It was not easy, it was not swift, but we are here and after all, WHERE’S THE FIRE?

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7 Responses to “Where’s The Fire”

  1. judylobo Says:

    Welcome back to the blogosphere. You were missed.

  2. Carol King Says:

    Yay. You posted. Welcome back. Love your fire hydrant. I await more posts.

  3. Kelly Gloger Says:

    I join you in celebrating your return to the canvas and the pen (well, OK the keyboard). Keep the words and the images coming!

  4. cruteart Says:

    I, for one, am thrilled you are back (and in more than one capacity).

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